Document reference
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
4.15.08 Work, employment, wages and salaries: equal opportunities women and men, and for all
4.15.12 Workers protection and rights, labour law
7.10 Free movement and integration of third-country nationals
7.10.04 External borders crossing and controls, visas
7.10.08 Migration policy
Legislative priorities
Joint Declaration 2022
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Procedure completed
Commission DGCommissionerJOHANSSON Ylva
European Parliament
Council of the EUDraft final act00093/2023/LEX24/04/2024CSL
European CommissionDocument attached to the procedureSEC(2022)020128/04/2022EC
National parliaments
Other institutions
AllDocument attached to the procedureSEC(2022)020128/04/2022ECDraft final act00093/2023/LEX24/04/2024CSL
Rapporteurs, Shadow Rapporteurs and Committee ChairsShadow rapporteurLIBE31/08/2023Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
Other Members