Document reference
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
1.10 Fundamental rights in the EU, Charter
3.45.01 Company law
4.10.03 Child protection, children's rights
4.15.12 Workers protection and rights, labour law
6.10.08 Fundamental freedoms, human rights, democracy in general
6.10.09 Human rights situation in the world
6.20.02 Export/import control, trade defence, trade barriers
Legislative priorities
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Awaiting Council's 1st reading position
Commission DGCommissionerBRETON Thierry
European Economic and Social Committee
European Parliament
Council of the EUCoreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreementGEDA/A/(2024)00148713/03/2024CSL
European Commission
National parliaments
Other institutions
AllCoreper letter confirming interinstitutional agreementGEDA/A/(2024)00148713/03/2024CSL
Rapporteurs, Shadow Rapporteurs and Committee ChairsShadow rapporteurIMCO13/12/2023First Solar European Technology Center AB First Solar GmbHRapporteurINTA27/11/2023Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund Österreichische Bundesarbeidskammer European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights International Labour Organization
Other Members