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Part-sessions of 22 - 25 April 2024  
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Results found : 5  


Environment, Public Health and Food Safety  

Preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution

Debate in Parliament    

Internal Market and Consumer Protection  
Rapporteur : REPASI René (S&D)  
rapporteur_id : 229839  

Common rules promoting the repair of goods

Debate in Parliament    

Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Women’s Rights and Gender Equality  
Rapporteur : BJÖRK Malin (The Left)   |   RODRÍGUEZ PALOP Eugenia (The Left)  
rapporteur_id : 124992 197785  

Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims

Debate in Parliament    

International Trade Internal Market and Consumer Protection  
Rapporteur : LEITÃO-MARQUES Maria-Manuel (S&D)   |   RAFAELA Samira (Renew)  
rapporteur_id : 197635 197868  

Prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market

Debate in Parliament    

Agriculture and Rural Development  
Rapporteur : LINS Norbert (EPP)  
rapporteur_id : 124808  

Some provisions following the EU/New Zealand free trade agreement and deletion of obsolete provisions as regards export tariff quota for milk powder

Decision by Parliament